St. Vincent de Paul Tri-Parish Community Pharmacy: 872-2253
Is a nonprofit agency run with the generous assistance of volunteer pharmacists, pharmacy techs, screeners, and laypeople.
Medications are donated to the pharmacy from local Doctor’s Offices, Hospitals, and Nursing Homes and given free of charge to those in need.
Catholic Charities: 876-0490
Assistance is provided with the purchase of medications for low-income families receiving SNAP Benefits (Food Stamps) or whose only income is from Social Security and is unable to pay for their prescriptions whenever St. Vincent De Paul Tri-Parish Pharmacy is closed or does not have the medication on hand to fit the needs of the family.
Life-sustaining medications such as antibiotics, insulin, heart medications, etc. can be filled. We do not fill medications for pain, birth control, or mental health conditions. In the event that the medications needed are over the amount we have set to provide for each family in need, discount cards are given to help offset the costs the family must pay out of their own pocket.
Items Needed To Get Assistance with Catholic Charities for Medication Assistance include:
SNAP (Food Stamp) Printout,
Proof of household income,
Paper prescriptions or refill bottles,
Proof of monthly household expenses.
Catholic Church Parishes
Many Catholic Church parishes throughout the Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux assist with medication for people who live within their parish boundaries. If in need, please call the Catholic Church that is nearest your home to apply for assistance.
Catholic Charities Resource Guide: CLICK HERE
There is a wealth of additional information in the online resource guide for other medical things that may be needed. A quick way to find this information is to press the Control and F keys on your keyboard and a dropbox will appear. Simply type in what you are looking for and keep pressing the Enter button until you find what you are looking for.
For example:
Type in the word of the condition or disease for more specialized medication assistance;
Type in the word foundations to find co-payment assistance for families with private insurance;
Type in the word eyeglasses to find a listing of places that can help with the cost of a new pair;
Type in the word wheelchair to find listings of places that can help a family obtain one; etc.
Individual and Family Assistance
[email protected]