What does a family do once their house and belongings burn in a fire?
Families that do not have renter’s or homeowner’s insurance coverage and need emergency financial help
with clothing, emergency shelter, food, new rent, and utility deposits can contact:
American Red Cross: 447-3229:
a. For major fires where there was a total loss, the American Red Cross may provide assistance with:
• Vouchers for each family member to purchase clothes
• Vouchers for each family member to purchase food
• Referrals to area thrift stores for assistance with household items
• Referral to the local Food Bank for assistance with food, cleaning and personal items
• Referral to Catholic Charities for assistance with utility deposits for the new location
b. For minor fires where the house is still livable, the Red Cross may provide assistance with:
• Clean up kits
The Food Bank nearest your home:
a. Caritas Food Pantry (East Houma): 985-746-5280
b. Catholic Community Center (Galliano): 632-6859
c. Good Samaritan Food Bank (Raceland): 537-7706
d. Good Samaritan Food Bank (Thibodaux): 447-9776
e. Hope Center (Galliano): 985-325-4673
f. Promise of Life Worship Center (Thibodaux): 446-5158
g. Terrebonne Churches United (Houma): 851-5523
Area Thrift Stores:
a. Fire victims can take their Red Cross Referrals and a copy of their fire report to area thrift stores for items such as furniture, appliances, dishes, cookware, curtains, etc. Depending on the need of the family and the availability of the items in the thrift stores at the time of the fire, items are given free of charge.
Additional Emergency Shelter or Rent may be obtained from:
a. Lafourche Community Action: 537-7603
b. Salvation Army: 262-1871
c. St. Mary Outreach: 385-0525
d. Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Housing and Human Resources: 873-6817
Utility deposits are provided by Catholic Charities: 876-0490:
a. Once a new home is found, apply online for assistance with the payment of your electric, water, and or gas deposits.
Items Needed to Complete An Application for Fire Assistance with Catholic Charities
1. Fire Report
2. Proof of Household Monthly Income
3. Rental Agreement for the new location
4. Names of utility companies that service the new address
Individual and Family Assistance
[email protected]